State of the Blog: Back in the Closet

Jul 8, 2010

A few years ago, I was sitting on a friend’s bed chatting about life, work and boys when I noticed that her closet was in an epic state of disarray.  Sweaters were falling off of shelves, shoes were laying everywhere, unwashed clothes mixed with fresh dry cleaning, and she couldn’t find a thing to wear to dinner.  So that night, after an evening spent drinking Sangria at Jaleo, I decided to make it my mission in life to reorganize her closet. 

When I arrived the next day with a shoe tree, some clear storage containers and a box of black Hefty bags, she was a little confused.  But four hours, seven trash bags and one box of wine later, the closet was like new again.  It was at this point that the real fun began. 

For another two hours, she and I played dress up in her closet.  We made dozens of new outfits using existing pieces, figured out what needed to be altered, and made a list of must-haves that she needed to shop for to complete her wardrobe.  We then photographed all the new, cute outfits so that she would never need to search for something to wear again.

In the years since, I have spent many weekend nights remodeling people’s closets turning myself into a one women styling team.  And through nineteen closets and hundreds of donations to Goodwill, I’ve learned that sometimes even the most stylish woman needs a little help sifting through her closet.

So today, I’m announcing a new business venture: The Fashion Fairy Godmother.  Think “What Not to Wear,” but instead of Stacy and Clinton and $5,000, you get yours truly, a slew of honest opinions and a bottle of wine.  Red or white, dealers choice.  

I’ve been thinking about starting this business for awhile, but I never thought people would pay me to do something that I typically do gratis.  Then a few weeks ago, I found out that the District has several professional “wardrobe consultants” who charge upwards of $500 per half day for what I have been doing for free.  I was stunned. 

Given that Capitol Hill Style has always been about being fashionable and fiscally responsible, I decided that it was time to create a wardrobe styling business that real women might actually be able to afford.  Because even those of us on a budget deserve professional help, right?  So here are the details:

First, we’ll have a consultation via e-mail to discuss your lifestyle, your fashion sense, your issues and your needs.  You’ll send me some photos of your closet, to give me an idea what I’m up against.  (And trust, nothing could be worse than Miss M’s walk-in plus armoire plus guest room plus storage locker combo.)  Then we’ll schedule an appointment lasting four to six hours and get started on your closet makeover.

Taking into consideration your body type, your personal preferences and your sense of style, we’ll muck out your closet and rebuild from the ground up.  We’ll purge the ill-fitting, outdated and poorly chosen pieces and turn your best pieces into new outfits for every occasion.  We’ll then make a list of pieces that would be perfect for you and your lifestyle so that when you go shopping you won’t choose poorly ever again.  We’ll also reorganize and rework your closet so that you can see what you own and have an easier time getting dressed in the morning, and photograph your new outfits so that you can keep everything straight

Just think of me as your personal Fashion Fairy Godmother.  Wand and tiara not included.

The starting price for a four hour appointment will be $250.  Some closets may take longer or you may want to add on an extra service or extra styling time, and all of this will be discussed in the initial consultation phase.  Shorter two hour appointments are also available for $175.  The two hour block will include styling help and a wardrobe consultation but not a full closet edit.  More information on the exact services and prices will be posted soon in a new section of this site. 

So if you’re a new graduate headed into the workforce, a new Mom looking to breathe life back into her wardrobe, or a woman who’s just sick of having a closet full of nothing to wear, drop me a line at capitolhillstyle (at) gmail (dot) com with the subject heading “Fashion Fairy Godmother.”  I’ll start booking appointments as early as this weekend, so if you can’t wait to get started, you don’t have to. 

Leave any questions in the comments.



**Edit** If you would like more information of Fashion Fairy Godmother Services and Pricing, please see the FFG page.


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  1. Rachel says:

    Congratulations on your new venture! I am all set with my closet for now, but I will point anyone I know who may need this service in your direction.

  2. Maggie says:

    Great idea, Belle! I’ve always wanted to hire a wardrobe consultant, but the fees in DC are exorbitant. Hopefully I will be able to give you a call (or e-mail) soon!

  3. Belle says:

    And don’t forget, if you want something a little different, we can customize a package and a price.

  4. *sigh* says:

    I’ve often fantasized about having you forcibly make over my closet, alas, I don’t live in D.C.

  5. Jessi says:

    Ahhh if only I still lived in DC! Let me know if you’re ever in Vegas!

  6. Suburban Sweetheart says:

    What a cool endeavor!

  7. C says:

    umm…do you need an assistant? Sign me up! Just think about the possibilities if we offered out closet/personal style advice to MEMBERS! $$?

  8. Belle says:

    This a blog, not a magic wand. Some of the members dress well, and some…well, some make me want to cry bitter tears of disappointment.

  9. Dr. Jean Grey says:

    Great idea. Next time my husband is out of down we are wining and cleaning, my friend. One idea..if one of your clients is willing, you should resell the thrown-out items on the Resale Salon! We want in on this, too! I know if I were throwing out stuff, I wouldn’t mind letting you resell because of the hassle associated with putting on eBay, Craigslist or just hauling it out to the Goodwill drop-off. More profits for you!

  10. Cp says:

    Ditto to Jessi, except sub Boston for Vegas.

  11. Sarah says:

    And sub Boston for Eugene

  12. Sarah says:

    I mean Eugene for Boston. . . lol

  13. Daniela says:

    Would ever consider doing a shorter, slightly less expensive version for the summer interns(and still college students) among us?

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